Tuesday, November 29, 2011

thanks on thanksgiving

I don't know about you, but this past Thanksgiving has been more then a blessing for me! It has not only been a time of rest, but a time to finally catch my breathe... a busy schedule sometimes has it's drawbacks, I have found.   Even though I am a tad bit late on my "thanksgiving" post, the holiday festivities and upcoming exams have taken my full attention these past few days. This does not negate the fact, however, that this past Thanksgiving has captured my heart completely in the many reasons to be thankful. Reminiscing on the past and present moments of my life on that fine, Thursday night, I was shocked at just how faithful my God has been. Isn't it funny how we so often have the audacity to be fearful, worried, anxious when the Lord has been constant and sovereign through every season? Well, once I came to this realization of my stupidity and of his wonder, I could not help but giggle! Every anxious thought, every prayer, every tear, every cry... He has patiently quieted me with his perfect peace. Unbelievable.
It is easy to sink into a mood of self-pity; I know from experience. Circumstances and season arise having the appearance that the world will not continue revolving because of it. In these moments, we become angry, scarred, depressed, lonely... you pick. But these emotions and reactions, my friend, are not based off trust. The beauty of the Lord's faithfulness can only be displayed in our life if we choose to surrender our fears, and free-fall into the arms of the Creator who promises that He is in control. But in that moment, when all your tears are dried, fears released, and faithfulness revealed, there is absolutely nothing better. 
I remember the circumstances, the hard times, the moments of sadness and loneliness in my life, but in those moments, I would go through them all again to have what I have now: the awareness and trust in the always-faithful character of my King. So, in the end, He is what I am thankful for this year. :)


  1. Oooo, just my thoughts. If it was only as simple as it sometimes sounds for stupid humans to do this.

  2. being thankful is one of the most beautiful things in the world.

    found your blog from elisha's today :)


  3. Cool blog! I would love to design it for you! :)
    You should post pictures on here, I hear you are a photographer, me too! :D

    "Capturing It"
