Wednesday, March 2, 2011

A Hard, Intense, Unhindered Gaze...

If you could see me now, you would see my giddy expression spread all across my face; My thoughts are simply consumed with the goodness of Jesus... He is truly amazing, isn't He?
It has taken me a couple weeks to fully comprehend this work the Lord has began in me. Throughout this week though, when my various questions to the Lord of this strange state I am currently in arose, one word has continued to echo in my mind... FOCUS. Now, being truthful, the first reaction I had to this was, "Okay Rachel," and of course, this WAS, naturally, all said aloud, "you need to FOCUS. I need to get into the Word more... I need to be in prayer more, I need to stop letting media be an influence on my day, I need to define who I am, wholly, in who I am in the Lord..." yada yada yada. Now, as I continued my list on my new goals and focal points, though all necessary things, I realized I was leaving one key ingredient out... HAH. I bet you can guess. :) Where was the Lord in all this? While I was so busy making my list of the things in need of changing, guess Who was there ready to take my every burden? My savior.
This time in my life so reminds me of Peter and Jesus...
So Peter went over the side of the boat and walked on the water toward Jesus. But, when he saw the strong wind and the waves , he was terrified and began to sink. "Save me Lord!" He shouted. Jesus immediately reached out and grabbed him, "You have so little faith," Jesus said. Why did you doubt me?" (Matthew 14:29-31)
Its true. When the Lord begins to move, our focus is directed at Him, and then, we see OUR circumstance, OUR hurts, OUR insecurities, OUR flaws,and OUR doubts. Then, we suddenly shift our attention to our "problems" and are no longer fixated on the Lord, our Redeemer, our Healer, our Comforter, our JESUS. The Holy Spirit so patiently and lovingly convicted me of this very thing. I have been so blessed to experience the joy and release that comes with this surrender of control, and to only FOCUS on the One who calms the raging storms. With our eyes SET on the perfecter of our faith, we can have total confidence that our lives are in good care.


  1. Oh. My. Goodness. Gracious.
    Rachel Miller, there is no way you could have known, but this is EXACTLY what's been going on in my life. Every bit. Everything from trusting God with ALL OF IT, to letting the fact that I am His daughter become what defines me. It's been a huge thing of prayer for me recently, and for some reason about 5 minutes ago I thought, "hey, I'm gonna check out Rach's blog." And wouldn't ya know it, this is what I found:) It's a God thing. That's it. Gotta love stuff like this:) And I love youuuuu:)

  2. Oh, Rachel I needed to read this. Thank you!
