Wednesday, February 16, 2011

The Simple Act of Sacrifice

Lately, I have felt as if I run in circles at times. The Lord has been laying out exactly what I need to hear and yet I have a way of rejecting it with the notation that it is never quite that easy. I bet He just laughs... He knows it IS actually that easy. I simply lack stretching out my hands and TAKING His encouragement, His provisions, and at times, His correction. 2 Corinthians 12:9 has repeatedly come to my mind this past month...

But he said to me, 'My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.' Therefore I will boast all the more gladly about my weaknesses, so that Christ's power may rest on me.

January 3rd I began my fast of media. Little did I know what a struggle it would be giving it up... the music, the shows, the movies... I had no idea the hold it had over me until I realized how unbearable it would be to release it for only 40 days. How could I let something so consumed with this culture and yet so contradictory with scripture as media sneakily creep it's way into my life? Now, I warn you, this "hold" does come in many different ways... For instance: You can NOT miss the newest episode of Glee to save your life? Check. You sit and listen to songs that break your heart and place you in a don't-talk-to-me mood? Check. And then... the moment came... the moment of realization. If I want to be Holy like He is Holy, my life needs to be above reproach in a way that is sometimes against the norm. The scariest thing I noticed through this journey of mine, however, was the numbness of the Spirit that this media grip enabled on me. The Lord convicted me and I, unquestioned and readily, gave up this "media" grip on my life.
He has blessed me more then I can explain. His presence is so much more evident throughout my day and His voice is so much clearer and constant. Without the distractions and noises the enemy had between me and my King, I have a a greater joy, passion for His word, attitude for worship, and an unhindered confidence in the work the Lord is continuing in me.
I encourage you to do the same...
In Psalms, David had a similar conversation with the Lord,

Investigate my life, O God, find out everything about me; Cross-examine and test me, get a clear picture of what I'm about; See for yourself whether I've done anything wrong— then guide me on the road to eternal life.

Be encouraged, God has begun a good work in you and will continue to work in your heart. He will pursue you, encourage you, and teach you. The only job we have is to be open, moldable, and usable. (:


  1. My best friend, you amaze me. It makes me so excited to see the Lord work in you. I love you.

  2. I agree with em! this is so wonderful. i am so glad that God has blessed me with you! love you to the moon... PS- your a great writer(:

  3. I'm hitting the "like" button, but you can't tell...

  4. This is exactly my problem I think. I think I will do the 40-day-media-fast. You always have something to say for my problems don't you?

  5. I started my media fast, and this is my 10 day. It's been a bit rocky because my siblings love to watch TV and play computer. And we have to do a lot of computer research at school for assignments Please pray for grace.

  6. I have 2 or 3 days left to go!
