Sunday, December 19, 2010

hello, my name is...

Who am I?
Somehow, this question always seems to run short. So easily, one answers, “Why, my name is…”, yet is one’s title truly the bare of their existence? For one who is so easily entangled in the affection of a human being, the immediate reply would most likely consist of belonging to that one person, but does that someone define their existence? Is a basketball players worth defined in the amount of shots he takes and makes, or is a painter’s works the depths of who they are? Yet in the mix of all of this seemingly unanswerable confusion, where does the Maker of everything fit into this equation? What role does he play in this story, we assume, we are writing?
Lately, the Lord has been dealing with my stubborn heart. A question has been ringing in my ears for quite sometime, and somehow, I am just noticing it: WHO are you? This question looks as if to have a effortless answer hiding behind it, yet when I stopped and did nothing but dwell on this inquiry, I was disappointed in myself. WHAT has been defining the very core of me? Why is it so much easier to run to people, dreams and goals, and even often media, to explain or shape what I was created to be? Yet despite myself, my Savior still relentlessly pursues me. How good is He?
After I finally came to this realization, the Lord has cleared my vision and shown me TRULY who I am:
First and for most, I am His daughter. This might seem like a simple, plain answer, but you see, what makes this so exquisitely beautiful is the fact that I haven’t deserved this love. In fact, I never can. there is NOTHING I can ever say or do that could ever take that away from me. No amount of screw ups I make will separate me from my loving Savior. My identity is simply this: I am His. I am not my own… I have been bought with a price. The world can not tell me I am not beautiful, or talented, or smart, because I have been made PERFECT in his eyes, and He is my identity. It has become a pattern, the world teaches kids from a young age to find who they are, and be confident in it. They seek, and search, and come up dry, but the Lord is the only one with the perfect remedy.
There is such a peace and confidence, that is not my own, that come with comprehending that.
This, you see, is just one of the reasons I am so desperately in love with my Savior. (: The fact that he teaches me and reveals Himself to me DESPITE me.
Just a thought.